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Touring retreat and teaching dates for 2020

Details will be uploaded shortly

2020 is shaping up to be busy.

In March/April Craig will be in Slovenia again.

His second home and his loves birth place where he has found family community and deep friendship,

a total love for the country it's customs and people. There will be a weekend workshop on Breath work and healing on the 22nd and 23rd March along with a weekend of Sacred Origin along with Teja Wood from   on the 4th and 5th of April.

Individual therapy sessions are offered from 25th March to 3rd of April.

In June He is travelling to new Zealand for a workshop with Teja again Sacred Origin and healing work will be the theme. 

Craig is working on an intensive 3 day workshop in Sydney with Ivana and Teja.

Including Sacred Origin, breathwork and teachings.

September again finds Craig in Europe, individual therapy sessions in Slovenia,

we are working to organise a weekend workshop in Austria also.

There will be a retreat  from the 28th of September to 4th October, Individual therapy sessions will also be available,

November sees Craig and his love Ivana in Bali from the 18th to the 24th November.

He will be also offering a 5 day workshop with Teja On Sacred Origin and healing work from 25th to 30th of November.

Touring Dates 2020: News & Updates
Craig and Ivana.jpg

Pricevanja strank

Z vami delim svojo NORO LEPO izkušnjo z šamanskim zdravilcem Craig Davey, ki pride kmalu v Slovenijo.🤗

... V času mojih treh porodov sem imela vsakič po porodu ročno čiščenje posteljice.

Od vseh treh posegov sem si poleg prask in brazgotin na moji maternici shranila v spomin se ogromno neprijetnih občutkov kot so; skrbi, nesigurnost, strah, panika, občasna nemoč pri porodu. 🤱

Najbolje me je zaznamovalo razvrednotenje kot žensko in ponižanje kot mame. Do DANES.
In kakšno olajšanje je bilo po terapiji ko je vse TO in še več odšlo VEN.

Hvaležna sem za vse tri moje porodne izkušnje, ki mi sedaj dajejo MOČ in VOLJO v življenju. So moj najmočnejši motiv in navdih mojega poslanstva kot SREČNE MAME.


Izjemen saman, zdravilec je. Zelo srcen. Njegove terapije so top ❤️


Touring Dates 2020: Testimonials
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