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  • Writer's pictureCraig Davey

Creation of a Sacred Tool- Talismans, Talking Sticks, Wands and Staffs. Part1 The Wood

Updated: Sep 18, 2021

The Wood,

There are many names and much ancient lore attributed to the spirit of trees and plant life. The most commonly known is Dryad. The Dryad, an Elven energy is typically known as the living spirit or sprite that lives within the Oak tree, however they are known to inhabit many if not all trees. Many would have you believe that once they tree has discarded a branch or the tree felled that the ‘spirit’ leaves that part which is no longer ‘alive’. In my experience this is not the case. Along with love and connected enchantment it remains to walk another journey with me to work with you the keeper of the piece.

Alongside me as I create are my guides and Ancestors, I am guided by Myliard an ancient wizard and healer, with guidance and strength from Eyean (Eahhn) both who I channel regularly. Both sit and guide my work and creations. And of course Anubis, who since my birth has held, guided and protected me. I offer deep gratitude and grace for their assistance and love.

I have found that by listening and feeling carefully, these beautiful gifts often show themselves in particular pieces. Strongly, I feel they are waiting for me to come along and pick them up to be used to co-create magic within my creations. They talk to me.

Truly I can walk through the bush or along the beach searching for this ‘Live wood” and come home empty handed, yet happy to have shared space in nature. At other times I will feel one piece or for that matter, many.

On rare occasions I take a branch or limb from a tree. I was reticent at first many years ago to cut, however over time began to recognise the call of the spirit within the tree, a permission given.

At these times I sit quietly and talk to the tree, giving thanks for their gifts and allow them to guide me as to where to cut how much to remove. This ritual for me is beautiful and the connection is enhanced. I feel empowered and truly a part of all around me more so than generally. I have cried and laughed, been humbled and grow stronger with perfect love and trust of the nature of my connection with these Dryads. I am blessed to be allowed to work magically with them and honour this connection deeply.

They carry and connect all aspects of each piece I create for you, the keeper of each magically crafted tool.

This is one reason why my Talismans and tools are felt so strongly by those who use and wear them. I look forward to sharing this magic and enchantment with you.

I have found that by listening and feeling carefully, these beautiful gifts often show themselves in particular pieces. Strongly, I feel they are waiting for me to come along and pick them up to be used to co-create magic within my creations. They talk to me.

Truly I can walk through the bush or along the beach searching for this ‘Live wood” and come home empty handed, yet happy to have shared space in nature. At other times I will feel one piece or for that matter, many.

Thank you for taking a moment to sit with me.

Blessings, Craig

© Craig Davey 2021

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